Definition: A claims adjuster is an employee of the
insurance carrier. Insurance carrier's need employees to go out and look at damaged vehicles to determine how much money it should take to repair or total out the vehicle in question. Claims adjusters work directly with you and the body shop to evaluate the damage. Claims adjusters do have managers, so if you have a disagreement with the adjuster, request a manger or seek help from your
insurance agent.
After your claim is filed, an insurance claims adjuster will be in contact with you to look at your vehicle. He or she will come to wherever your vehicle is located whether it is at your home, work, or the body shop. The claims adjuster will estimate the damage and formulate a dollar amount for your repairs using a sophisticated computer program. The adjuster will also walk you through the claims process so you will know what to expect. If the body shop finds further unseen damage, the adjuster will coordinate with the shop.